The National Library
Celebrates Hebrew Book Week
11-13.06.2019 | Tuesday-Thursday June 11th-13th | 8th-10th of Sivan
The National Library building and various cafes around Jerusalem
A mobile urban library, Jerusalem, 1963
"My Bible is Open at the Book of Job"
Why Have the Bible Poems of Rachel Bluwstein Been Forgotten?
11.06.2019 | Tuesday June 11th 18:00 | 8th of Sivan
Tmol Shilshhom, #5 Yoel Moshe Salomon St., Jerusalem
Dr. Yehosheva Simet Shinberg, the National Library
Music accompanying the poems of Rachel Bluwstein:
Eytan Dror-Freier, Tal Naeh
The event will incorporate source materials from the Archives Department of the National Library
Event to be held in Hebrew
Apologies to Our Readers:
Strange and Surprising Journalistic Mistakes in Reports on Literature and Authors
12.06.2019 | Wednesday June 12th 17:00 | 9th of Sivan
Café Michael, #26 Halamed Hey St., Jerusalem
Dorit Gani, librarian and author of the books "Sarah Aaronsohn", "Golda Meir" and "Helena Kagan" in "The Israelis" series (Hebrew)
Event to be held in Hebrew
The Underground Don Quixote
Luba Schneerson and his Archive at the National Library
13.06.2019 | Thursday June 13th 18:00 | 10th of Sivan
Shosh Café, #31 KKL Street, Jerusalem
Ivgi Slutzk, researcher of the Schneerson Archive at the National Library
Event to be held in Hebrew
Entry to all sessions is free of charge, on the basis of availability
In the Basements of the National Library:
A Special Tour for Hebrew Book Week
12-13.06.2019 | Wednesday-Thursday 12th-13th of June 18:00 | 9th-10th of Sivan
Bookshelves in the National Library basement
What hides behind the shelves of the largest library in Israel?
How and from where do tens of thousands of books arrive here every year?
Where are they stored?
Who organizes them on the shelves, and by what method?
Join the journey of books through the Library and come meet the people who accompany all books published in the State of Israel, from the moment they are printed to the moment they enter the Library's storerooms.
This tour will include entry to areas normally restricted to the public, including the Library storeroom.
To participate you must pay a fee and register ahead of time.
Price: 20 NIS (15 NIS for senior citizens)
The tour lasts approximately one hour
For the tour on 12.06.2019
For the tour on 13.06.2019

Event to be held in Hebrew
A Series of Lectures at the National Library
A Screening of the Film:
"Words to Tell: Israel through the Eyes of its Authors" (Hebrew)
12.06.2019 | Wednesday June 12th 16:00 | 9th of Sivan
70 years after the establishment of the Hebrew state, 10 leading Israeli writers paint a picture of the current state of their country: its values, its fears, its contradictions. These men and women draw their inspiration from the atmosphere of constant tension in which they live. Their works echo all the difficulties they encounter in their homeland: the weight of the past, the Zionist project, the Palestinians, the religion, the military, the social tensions, the territorial fault lines…An original and subjective portrait of Israel, through which geopolitics are understood via literature.
(Hebrew with Hebrew subtitles)
A conversation on the status of Israeli authors, then and now, with the author and literary critic, Dr. Arik Glasner
Event to be held in Hebrew
We Loved Here:
Yehuda Amichai – The Formative Years
12.06.2019 | Wednesday June 12th 20:00 | 9th of Sivan
"The Grapes of Foreign Vineyards": Amichai – A Foreigner of Our Own
Dr. Gideon Tikotzky, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Rise of a Poet
Dr. Tamar Hess, head of the Department of Hebrew Literature at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, speaks with Prof. Nili Scharf Gold of the University of Pennsylvania about her new book:
"והגעגועים סגורים בי" ("And the Longing is Enclosed in Me") about Yehuda Amichai
(Mineged publishing, 2019)
Music accompanying the poems and songs of Yehuda Amichai:
Mika Karni - Vocals and violin
Ron Laor – Piano
Entry is free of charge. Please register ahead of time.
The event is being held in collaboration with the Department of Literature at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Event to be held in Hebrew
Thoughts on Women in Israeli Literature and Publishing
13.06.2019 | Thursday June 13th 16:00 | 10th of Sivan
Women in the Israeli Literature and Book Industry in the Past Few Decades

Photo by Dafna Talmon
Dana Olmert, the Department of Literature at Tel Aviv University, and Ahuzat Bayit Books
Entry is free of charge. Please register ahead of time.
Event to be held in Hebrew
How Does One Write a Novel?
An Evening with the Author Meir Shalev
13.06.2019 | Thursday June 13th 20:00 | 10th of Sivan
Photo by Nadia Landau
Entry is free of charge. Please register ahead of time

Event to be held in Hebrew