Election Chronicles > Election Treasures > 1955 Elections – Press

1955 Elections – Press

  • 1. Election campaign report
  • 2. Mapai platform – A promise of continued deterioration
  • 3. Begin on the verge of determination
  • 4. As election day approaches
  • 5. Who are the charlatans?
  • 6. Herut platform
  • 7. Zionists, righteous men or hypocrites
  • 8. Tomorrow, judgement day!
  • 9. Voter instructions
  • 10. Begin to the voter on election day
  • 11. Herut victory signals beginning of the end for Mapai
  • 12. Dosh caricature
  • 13. Carlebach – Letter to the voters
  • 14. Carlebach – Letter to the voters
  • 15. Dosh caricature
  • 16. Epicurean hesitations
  • 17. Another Carlebach column
  • 18. As the end of the campaign approaches
  • 19. Kishon – Satirical column
  • 20. I am totally confused
  • 21. Ben Gurion – Mission southwards!
  • 22. Shalom Shitreet – Advice for the Mizrahi voter
  • 23. Yigal Alon – Defense policy
  • 24. Humorless elections
  • 25. As the elections approach
  • 26. Election day headline
  • 27. Israel votes
  • 28. Fearful of Mapai
  • 29. Labor Unity editorial
  • 30. In the city and the transit camps, listening to Mapam
  • 31. Mapam victory – turnabout guaranteed
  • 32. Notes before judgment day
  • 33. A Great Shabat of election propaganda
  • 34. Election day headline
  • 35. The day after the upheaval
  • 36. From the poling station


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