Televised propaganda played an important role in the 1984 elections. Each list received airtime on the state channel, based on their size. The new lists received a standard minimum. This arrangement spurred the formation of many small lists, eager to seize the opportunity to publicize their ideas. One of these was Has Mas, Yaakov Berger's one man party. Berger, who advocated the abolition of income tax, became known as the "lone runner".
In time, it was claimed that Yaakov Berger had meant to establish a satellite party to Ezer Weizmann's Yachad, and pass on the 10 minutes of airtime he was given. The arrangement was disqualified and Berger set up his party alone, using his airtime to preach abolition of income tax. His announcements included long seconds of visuals of a Bank Leumi cheque. He claimed that the inclusion of this subliminal advertising was done in exchange for the bank expunging his personal debt. Has Mas received 1,472 votes.