Election Chronicles > Election Treasures > 1959 Elections – Posters and Advertisments

1959 Elections – Posters and Advertisments

  • 1. Religious Torah Front
  • 2. Religious Torah Front
  • 3. Rabbi Feinstein denies advocating for a particular party
  • 4. Rabbi Feinstein calls for votes for the Religious Torah Front
  • 5. Religious Torah Front – Why voting cannot be avoided
  • 6. Herut – The only hope for change
  • 7. Herut – The givers and takers (in response to Moshe Dayan)
  • 8. Herut – Mapai and the seeds of catastrophe (on the ethnic divide)
  • 9. Herut – Mapai's partners declare defeat
  • 10. Herut – The two faces of Mapai
  • 11. Maki – Stop supplying Israeli arms to Hitler's generals
  • 12. Maki – An end to Fascist bullying
  • 13. Maki – The Israel Communist Party
  • 14. Maki – Israel Communist Party
  • 15. Mapai – Letter to the Israeli woman from David Ben Gurion
  • 16. Mapai – Absorption of eastern immigrants in the education system
  • 17. Mapai – Yigal Alon cannot save Labor Unity from factionalism
  • 18. Mapai – Yigal Alon cannot save Labor Unity from factionalism
  • 19. Mapai candidates
  • 20. מה בין מפ"ם ואחדות העבודה?
  • 21. מיהם אלופי האקטיביזים מפ"ם
  • 22. בגין לשלטון? איוולת ואסון - מפ"ם
  • 23. General Zionist Party – Look forward in hope
  • 24. Histadrut – The regime neglects tradesmen
  • 25. Histadrut – Who promotes leaving Israel?
  • 26. Histadrut
  • 27. Histadrut – Look forward in hope


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