Election Chronicles > Election Treasures > 1951 Elections – Posters and Advertisments

1951 Elections – Posters and Advertisments

  • 1. The Progressive Party protesting partisan influence in schools and government processes
  • 2. Herut - Protesting the shackles of bureaucracy
  • 3. Herut - Platform for a change in regime
  • 4. An ad sponsored by several parties calling citizens to refrain from violence as election campaigning continues
  • 5. A notice from the Central Election Committee
  • 6. Agudat Yisrael
  • 7. Herut ad protesting Mapai's immigrant policy - in Hebrew and Yiddish
  • 8. Ad by The Yeminite Union Party
  • 9. Ad by the Sepharadim VeEdot HaMizrach Party
  • 10. A call to rabbis to vote for the HaMizrachi Party
  • 11. A call to rabbis to vote for the HaMizrachi Party
  • 12. Mapai's four year plan - in Yiddish
  • 13. For renters... Mapai propaganda
  • 14. Mapai ad intended for Yemenites
  • 15. Mapai ad in Spanish
  • 16. Four year plan - from Mapai's platform
  • 17. Mapam vision - Yiddish
  • 18. Mapam - in favor of getting rid of the transit camps
  • 19. Mapam message to the Yemenite community
  • 20. Mapai – On religion and state (in French)
  • 21. Mapai – announcement in Russian
  • 22. Mapai – Eastern Department announcement (in Arabic)
  • 23. Mapai – newspaper for Yemenite readers
  • 24. HaPoel HaMizrahi – Moshe Shapira
  • 25. HaPoel HaMizrahi – poster
  • 26. HaPoel HaMizrahi – Aliya and ingathering of the exiles
  • 27. HaPoel HaMizrahi – the greater land of Israel
  • 28. מק"י- נגד בן גוריון ושת"פ עם ארה"בMaki – against Ben Gurion and cooperation with the US
  • 29. Mizrahi youth club party
  • 30. Mizrahi platform
  • 31. Mizrahi – poster
  • 32. Poster – Progressive Party against partisan politics and economic opportunism
  • 33. Poster – General Zionists against Mapai
  • 34. Poster – General Zionists against Mapai
  • 35. General Zionists against the austerity (Tzena)
  • 36. Mapai illustration – immigrant tenements versus luxury villas of the General Zionists
  • 37. Mapai against Begin
  • 38. Mapai convention featuring Ben Gurion
  • 39. Mapam against Ben Gurion
  • 40. Begin rally – Zion Square
  • 41. Herut – Jabotinsky poster
  • 42. חרות- מפא"ח משטר של תורים


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