Election Chronicles > Election Treasures > 1984 Election – Photographs

 1984 Election – Photographs

  • 1. Polling station in an ultra-Orthodox neighborhood, Jerusalem
  • 2. Pres. Chaim Herzog casting his vote for the 11th Knesset with Justice Gavriel Bach standing behind him to his right, Rehavia, Jerusalem
  • 3. Likud leaders (l-r) Michael Dekel, Eliezer Shostak, Dov Shilansky, Avraham Sharir and Chaim Kaufman awaiting the election results
  • 4. M.K. Chaim Druckman embraces P.M. Yitzhak Shamir at the Likud headquarters, Metzudat Ze'ev, Tel Aviv
  • 5. Shamir speaks at the last pre-election rally in Tel Aviv
  • 6. David Levy speaks in Tel Aviv
  • 7. Yitzhak Shamir and David Levy (r) shake hands at the Likud headquarters in Tel Aviv
  • 8. Herut party HQ Metzudat Ze'ev with huge election posters
  • 9. Wall plastered with election posters in Bnei Brak near Tel Aviv
  • 10. Shimon Peres flanked by (l-r) Yitzhak Rabin, Yitzhak Navon, Victor Shem Tov and Chaim Bar Lev at the Palace Hotel, Tel Aviv
  • 11. Yitzhak Navon and Shimon Peres attending the Labor Party convention at Nachmani Hall, Tel Aviv
  • 12. Yitzhak Shamir casting his ballot for the 11th Knesset at his polling station in Tel Aviv
  • 13. Tens of thousands of Likud supporters waving banners and flags at the final Likud election rally on Kikar Malchei Israel in Tel Aviv
  • 14. Orthodox Jews casting their votes at a polling station in Bnei Brak
  • 15. P.M. Yitzhak Shamir surrounded by well wishers at a Herut central committee meeting in Tel Aviv
  • 16. Ariel Sharon casts his ballot at the Herut central committee session in Tel Aviv
  • 17. Labor chairman Peres speaking at the Palace Hotel in Tel Aviv on election day. Seated are Rabin and Navon (l-r)
  • 18. Shamir at the Likud HQ Metzudat Ze'ev, with David Levy
  • 19. The Ma'arach (Labor) HQ at the Palace Hotel, Tel Aviv on election day
  • 20. M.K. Chaim Korfu (r) speaking with Dan Meridor and Benny Begin at the Likud HQ in Tel Aviv
  • 21. A taxi covered in Likud stickers on election day
  • 22. Ballot box in Tel Aviv
  • 23. Huge Likud posters on Metzudat Zeev, Tel Aviv


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