Election Chronicles > Election Treasures > 1977 Elections – Photographs

 1977 Elections – Photographs

  • 1. Dash leader, Prof. Yigael Yadin votes for the ninth Knesset
  • 2. Minister of Defense Shimon peres votes for the ninth Knesset, Ramat Aviv
  • 3. Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin votes for the ninth Knesset, Tzahala
  • 4. MK Moshe Dayan votes near his home in Tzahala
  • 5. Election official sorts ballots prior to counting, Bnei Brith center, Tel Aviv
  • 6. Sun worshippers enjoy election day at Marina beach in Tel Aviv
  • 7. Tired but pleased. Golda, Rabin and friends toast the election of a new party leader
  • 8. Chair of polling station at Bnei Brith center in Tel Aviv opens the ballot boxes in preparation for counting of votes
  • 9. Menachem Begin and his wife vote at Bneit Brith polling station, Tel Aviv
  • 10. Likud members Ezer Weizman, Yitzhak Shamir and Moshe Nissim arrive at the president's residence to discuss formation of the government
  • 11. President Ephraim Katzir congratulates MK Simha Ehrlich as Weizman and Horowitz look on
  • 12. Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin delivers the slogan "citizens for Rabin", Tel Aviv
  • 13. Election prograganda, Jerusalem


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