Election Chronicles > Election Treasures > 1959 Elections – Photographs

1959 Elections – Photographs

  • 1. Central Elections Committee, with representatives of al parties, chaired by a High Court justice
  • 2. Voting slips roll off the presses in readiness for election day for the Knesset and local councils on November 3, 1959.
  • 3. Billboard on the corner of Frishman and Dizengoff streets, Tel Aviv
  • 4. Election slogans on a billboard on Hakirya St., Tel Aviv
  • 5. Foreign Minister Golda Meir at a Mapai election rally in Rishon Letzion
  • 6. Torah Religious Front rally in Tel Aviv. Addressed by: (L to R) Rabbis Zalman Sorotzkin, M. Abramovitch, Y. Cahanman, M.Y. Epstein and Y.M. Gordon
  • 7. Addressed by: (L to R) Rabbis Zalman Sorotzkin, M. Abramovitch, Y. Cahanman, M.Y. Epstein and Y.M. Gordon
  • 8. Herut MK Menahem Begin speaks in Herzliya during the election campaign
  • 9. Labor Unity MK Ruth Haktin at a women's rally in Tel Aviv
  • 10. Moshe Dayan (Mapai) speaking in Rosh Haayin
  • 11. MK Menachem Begin (Herut) campaigning in Herzliya
  • 12. Shimon Peres (Mapai) in the Shapira neighborhood of Tel Aviv
  • 13. MK Dr. Moshe Sneh (Communist Party) speaking in Ramat Gan
  • 14. Minister of Development Mordechai Bentov (Mapam) speaking in Ramat Gan
  • 15. The counting begins, as polls close at midnight. Results are sent to the Central Elections Committee
  • 16. President Yitzhak Ben Tzvi voting in Jerusalem
  • 17. Prime Minister David Ben Gurion casts his vote at Kibbutz Sde Boker
  • 18. IDF base polling station. Chief of Staff Haim Laskov casts his vote
  • 19. Immigrants from Cochin vote at Moshav Mesillat Tziyon in the Jerusalem corridor
  • 20. Polling station in Mea Shearim, Jerusalem
  • 21. Polling station on Kibbutz Maaleh Hahamisha, Jerusalem corridor
  • 22. Arabs and Jews vote side by side at a polling station in Jaffa
  • 23. Party vehicles drive voters to polling stations, Beit Shemesh


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