Election Chronicles > Election Treasures > 1949 Election – Photographs

 1949 Election – Photographs

  • 1. Ballot boxes for the elections
  • 2. "Herut" election meeting
  • 3. "Mapam" election propaganda in Tel Aviv
  • 4. Itzhak Sadeh addresses an election meeting
  • 5. Election posters in Tel Aviv
  • 6. Voters in Nazareth
  • 7. Counting the votes
  • 8. Prime Minister David Ben Gurion during the playing of the national anthem, "Hatikva", on the day of the 1st session of the Constituent Assembly in Jerusalem
  • 9. The day of the 1st session of the Constituent Assembly in Jerusalem.
  • 10. Chief of Staff Yaakov Dori arriving at the 1st session of the Constituent Assembly in Jerusalem
  • 11. President Haim Weizman opening the first session of the Constituent Assembly at the Jewish Agency building in Jerusalem
  • 12. An Ethiopian priest arriving at the 1st session of the Constituent Assembly in Jerusalem
  • 13. The candidates' speeches are broadcast
  • 14. Prime Minister Ben Gurion addressing a Jerusalem audience
  • 15. Election posters
  • 16. Election posters
  • 17. President Haim Weizman casting his vote
  • 18. Prime Minister David Ben Gurion and Mrs. Paula Ben Gurion at the polls
  • 19. Mr. Yitzhak Greenbaum, Minister of Interior, at the polls
  • 20. Voters at Kibbutz Givat Brenner
  • 21. Voters in Jaffa
  • 22. Election aftermath


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