Election Chronicles > Election Treasures > עיתונות בחירות 1996

1996 Elections - Press

  • 1. Caricature – Assassination elections
  • 2. Geula Cohen on Likud propaganda
  • 3. Column about mention of Rabin in the election campaign
  • 4. Election-related violence – Meretz office torched
  • 5. Terror warnings before the elections
  • 6. Caricature – Defending the elections
  • 7. Uri Avneri – Peres or destruction
  • 8. Polls predict victory for Peres
  • 9. Shavuot special edition – Interviews with Peres and Bibi
  • 10. Satire – Advice for the debater
  • 11. Advice for the voter
  • 12. Caricature – Where is Yigal Amir now? Yechiam Weiss
  • 13. Peres and Bibi comment on the debate
  • 14. Warning of assassination attempt on Peres
  • 15. Netanyahu is good for the Jews
  • 16. Column by Hagai Segal – Bibi is best
  • 17. Front page on election day
  • 18. Last word from party leaders
  • 19. Citizens' announcement – We will not let him win
  • 20. Front page the day after elections – Peres still slated to win
  • 21. A victorious Netanyahu
  • 22. Bibi's day has come
  • 23. Interview with Ehud Barak – Don't disparage Bibi
  • 24. Leah Rabin at Rabin Square – You are here to support Peres
  • 25. Likud pleased with infomercials
  • 26. Election news
  • 27. Baba Baruch calls for support of Peres
  • 28. Suha Arafat hope for Labor victory
  • 29. Election-related violence
  • 30. Caricature – Election-related violence
  • 31. Peres is going to win
  • 32. Caricature – Election-related violence and terrorist threats
  • 33. Three shots that changed the elections
  • 34. Yesha Council storms polling stations
  • 35. Op-ed – Promises and facts
  • 36. Who liberated Jerusalem? Editorial in response to Barak
  • 37. The verdict has been delivered in heaven
  • 38. Palestinian Authority anticipates Likud victory
  • 39. Responses to the televised debate
  • 40. Caricature – Fighting over undecided votes
  • 41. Op-ed – An upheaval either way
  • 42. Front page on election day
  • 43. Caricature – Who will get the seat?
  • 44. Op-ed – Good for the Jews
  • 45. Op-ed – Good for the Jews


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