Election Chronicles > Election Treasures > 1965 Elections – Press

1965 Elections – Press

  • 1. "HaMa'arach" officials: Eshkol is our only candidate for Prime Minister
  • 2. "Rafi" campaign poster
  • 3. "Independent Liberals" campaign poster
  • 4. "Gachal" campaign poster
  • 5. Astrological forecast of election results
  • 6. "The campaign for the Arab vote"
  • 7. Letter to the voter from David Ben Gurion
  • 8. Central Elections Committee prepares for voting day
  • 9. "Gachal" ad about desired tax policy
  • 10. "Gachal" advertisement
  • 11. "Mapam" election ad
  • 12. "A vote for "Rafi" promises no more longing for Marxism"
  • 13. Neturei Karta boycott the elections
  • 14. The parties go after the Bedouin vote
  • 15. "HaMa'arach" ad about its contribution to private enterprise
  • 16. Article by Yosef Burg about religion and state
  • 17. Eshkol does not discount making "Herut" part of the coalition
  • 18. Rabbis' ad in support of "Mafdal"
  • 19. "Gachal" ad critizing "HaMa'arach's" economic policy
  • 20. An analysis of the balance of political powers preceding the elections
  • 21. An English intellectual assesses the political situation
  • 22. Top political officials in a joint interview before the elections
  • 23. Satmar Hasidim boycott the elections
  • 24. Article about the "Independent Liberals" as a balancing power in politics
  • 25. Notice about "HaMa'arach's" victory and the distribution of Knesset seats
  • 26. Regarding the atmosphere in the Mea Shearim neighborhood following the ban on participation in the elections
  • 27. A family divided - the son voted "Rafi", the parents voted "HaMa'arach"
  • 28. "Gachal" platform goes against agriculture and will put the moshavim at risk
  • 29. Ben Gurion regarding change in regime
  • 30. Regarding women candidates
  • 31. Analysis of "Rafi" branching out from "Mapai"
  • 32. Pinchas Sapir optimistic following the elections
  • 33. Pinchas Sapir refutes the right's criticism of "HaMa'arach's" economic practices
  • 34. "Maki" election posters
  • 35. "Mapam" election posters
  • 36. The elections went surprisingly smoothly


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