Election Chronicles > Election Treasures > 1959 Elections – Press

1959 Elections – Press

  • 1. A call to change the electoral system after the elections
  • 2. Pre-election interview with Pinchas Rosen, Minister of Justice and head of the Progressive Party
  • 3. Pre-election interview with Meir Yaari, head of Mapam
  • 4. Herut election poster criticizing Mapai foreign policy
  • 5. סקר בחירות Election survey conducted by the newspaper in cities and townsכתבי העיתון בערים וביישובים
  • 6. Ben Gurion prepares for elections, article
  • 7. Article by Yisrael Galili (Labor Unity) about the elections
  • 8. About Shimon Mikunis, head of Maki and his attempts to recruit supporters
  • 9. Former Etzel and Lehi members call for support of Mapai
  • 10. Article by Pinchas Rosen, head of the Progressive Party, calling for support
  • 11. About Rabbi Levin, head of Agudat Yisrael and his conditions for joining the coalition
  • 12. About a meeting between Ben Gurion and citizens
  • 13. Report: Ben Gurion and Menachem Begin to speak at the same time at different Tel Aviv venues
  • 14. The will of the Rabbi of Brisk calls for election participation
  • 15. Election conundrums of the youth
  • 16. Impressions from the last Shabat before the elections, reports from the field
  • 17. Herut's economic policy
  • 18. Separation of religion and state from the Mizrahi perspective
  • 19. Transcript of Menachem Begin's speech broadcast on Voice of Israel
  • 20. Election results: Victory for Mapai
  • 21. Golda Meir before the elections: a strong leadership is essential for peace
  • 22. The connection between Mapai and the religious community
  • 23. Moshe Sharett calls on the public to keep Mapai in power
  • 24. On the "undecided" voters
  • 25. Article by Shimon Peres
  • 26. Victory for Mapai – The day after


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