Exhibition Loans from NLI Collections

Exhibition Loans from NLI Collections

Guidelines for Exhibition Loans from NLI

1. Collection objects are loaned for exhibition to qualified educational and cultural institutions.

2. The contact person of the borrowing institution will complete and sign the loan application form and send it back to the NLI registrar. Upon receiving the borrower’s application, the registrar will be responsible for processing it for approval by the necessary departments.

3. Criteria for loan approval:

3.1. The purpose of the loan.

3.2. The conditions of the exhibit (the setting, security details, etc.) must meet the National Library's requirements.

3.3. The physical condition of the item(s) must be suitable for loan, transport, handling, and display.

3.4. A borrowing institution outside of Israel must submit its request at least twelve months prior to the start of the proposed exhibition in which the items are to be displayed. A borrowing institution in Israel must submit its request at least six months prior to the start of the proposed exhibition.

4. The Library reserves the right to approve or reject any loan. All prospective loans must meet the requirements defined by the Library's Conservation and Restoration Department.

5. All object(s) will be loaned for a period of up to three months. However, the Library reserves the right to return the item(s) to the National Library before this time limit expires. In this instance, the borrower will receive written notice from NLI requesting that the item be returned. NLI will attempt to provide assistance in securing an alternative item. Loan extension requests may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

6. Nail-to-nail, all risk fine arts insurance must be provided for the item(s) for the entire duration of the loan, from the time the item(s) leaves NLI, until its safe return.

7. The signed loan agreement and a certificate of insurance for the amount indicated on the loan agreement must be received by the registrar’s office before the items(s) can leave the NLI.

8. The item(s) will be transported to and from the borrower by a courier, an NLI staff member, or a person appointed by the NLI.

9. All conservation work, packing, and shipping arrangements will be undertaken by NLI staff, or firms designated by NLI.

10. Any physical handling of the object(s) during the loan period will be undertaken only by designated NLI staff, unless the borrower is given specific written authorization by the NLI registrar.

Rachel Misrati

[email protected]