Previous Conferences

Previous Conferences

Previous conferences – Genealogy at the NLI

The Reference Department of the National Library, in cooperation with The Israel Genealogical Society (IGS), The International Institute for Jewish Genealogy and The Israel Genealogy Research Association (IGRA), occasionally conducts seminars at the National Library. The purpose of these seminars is to get acquainted with different research tools that engage in different time periods and different target populations.

Pamela Weisberger lectures

​On November 2013, Pamela Weisberger gave two guest lectures on genealogical topics at the National Library.

"Roots at the Front"

First World War resources for family history.

Fidelity – Jewish women and family history

A conference on genealogy in memory of Mathilda Tagger and in honor of the International Women's Day.

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"Tell Me Where You Studied And I Will Tell You Whom You Are"

Documents from educational institutions as a genealogical research resource.

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