The National Library of Israel for Educators

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Explore Purim resources for educators! Engaging lesson plans, historical insights, and creative activities of the National Library will help bring the story and traditions to life in the classroom.

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Educators Community

Benjy Rickman
Head of Kodesh
King David High School Manchester, UK

NLI resources represent a revolution in Jewish and Israel education! The past comes alive with primary sources that students can interact with meaingfully , bringing the past into the present.

Benjamin de Jong
Benjamin de Jong
Jewish Studies Educator
JCoSS, London, UK

The NLI’s resources are second to none. The breadth and depth of the materials available on an ever-growing platform cater for the needs of educators worldwide.

Mariel Seta
Israel Studies Educator
Heschel Day School, Los Angeles, USA

Last summer I participated in the NLI’s educator seminar which was indeed a gift! The connections I formed with fellow educators and the professionalism I experienced reaffirmed my belief in the unity of our people

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