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The Latin American Diaspora


The Jewish Communities of Latin America: History, Economy, and Culture


Tuesday | March 21st 2017| 05:00 pm


 Attendance is per registration, free of charge






Prof. Manuel Trajtenberg, Prof. Haim Avni, Prof. Yosef Kaplan, and Dr. Margalit Bejarano
Keynote: Mr. David Blumberg


The Early Developments of Latin American Jewry: Prof. Haim Avni
Jews in the Latin American Economy: Prof. Manuel Trajtenberg
The Jews in Cuba Under Castro (Or: Conversion Struggles in Argentina): Dr. Margalit Bejarano
Yiddish Culture: Prof. Yosef Kaplan
Chair: Dr. Yochai Ben-Ghedalia

Guided tour of the exhibit by Denise Rein, the Central Archives.